1. apa hasil dari operasi berikut ini!
First= false, second= false, third= true
a.( first and second) or third = true
b. first or (second and third) = false
c. not first or (second and not third) = true
d. (second or third) and.( not first or second) = true
e. not (not second and third) and first = false
2. jika diketahui:
s1 = “PAGI”
s2 = “SIANG”
s3 = “MALAM”
apa hasil dari operasi berikut:
- length (s1) + (length (s2)) = 4+5
- length (concat(s1,s3)) = 9
- substr (concat(s2,s1),4,length (s1) + 1) = NGPAG
- insert (s1, delete (s3,1,3),1) = AMPAGI
- insert (s1, substr(s2,2,3),3) = PAGIANI
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